Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Similarities And Differences Between The Greeks And...

Thomas Jefferson once stated that â€Å"every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and Jefferson was correct, considering that both ancient civilizations were very much entwined with their military. The Ancient Greeks and Romans were and are still considered some of the most renowned and well-known early European civilizations, who brought to light many new advancements ranging from politics to philosophy to warfare. Considering the status of both civilizations, the military was a very important aspect of Greek and Roman lives. The Greeks would begin by creating new militarized tactics and formations, technological advancements in regards to weaponry, and partaking in different strategical ideas. The Romans would also partake in these as well, piggybacking off of the Greek ideas and molding them into their own and improving upon them. First off, one will see that the Greeks considered warfare as a â€Å"necessary evil of the h uman condition† , but despite their views, in order for the polies to survive, there was a need for an active militia, thus forming the hoplites. The main strategy of the hoplite was a phalanx, â€Å"a heavily armed infantry standing shoulder to shoulder in files several ranks deep.† As long as the hoplites remained in a tight phalanx, the formation was a nearly impenetrable force. The phalanx relied on fighting as a unit considering that â€Å"the weight of the entire phalanx was literally behind the front line.†Show MoreRelatedSimilarities and Differences between Greek and Roman Gods1010 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom Greek or Roman gods. So many things are indeed named after the gods. Like the car company Mercury or the shoe company Nike. There are many gods in both mythologies but this essay will talk about 12 of them, six gods from Greek mythology and six gods from Roman mythology. Each god will have their own corresponding god from the other mythology. Alth ough they might be from different mythologies in essence they are all very similar. If this is an essay about the similarities and difference betweenRead MoreThe Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman Literature of the Myth of the Abduction of Persephone/Proserpine963 Words   |  4 Pages In Ovid Metamorphoses, the Roman literature described the ruthless act of Pluto of rape, to seize and carry away Proserpine without the consent of Ceres and in parallel in the Homeric Hymns of Demeter; Persephone was seized and carried away by Hades without the consent of Demeter. The invariant theme that was identified in both the Greek and Roman literature was the loss of innocence of Persephone/Proserpine. Despite the various differences the story was presented, it reinforced the innocence thatRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Greece And Rome1457 Words   |  6 Pagesfeel There are a variety of vocal points when bringing up similarities and differences between Greece and Rome. The two vocal points I feel strongly about are both their military and leadership. When talking about their militaries we have two of the strongest forces to ever grace the earth. When talking about their respective cultures we are talking about beliefs that spread nationwide. These are the s imilarities and differences between Greece and Rome. If there was anything that Rome andRead MoreGreek And Roman Mythology881 Words   |  4 PagesGreek and Roman Mythology Since the dawn of time, different societies have worshiped gods, believing in their power and being afraid of their fury. People have prayed and made sacrifices in order to achieve the gods mercy and generosity. They believed that, if the gods are in good mood, they will provide people with good weather conditions for growing crops. People needed explanations for different natural phenomena, such as rain, drought, lightning, thunder and earthquake. So, ancient people believedRead MoreThe Religious And Social Differences Between Ancient Greece And Rome Essay1423 Words   |  6 PagesThe Religious and Social Differences between Ancient Greece and Rome In modern day, everyone tends to think of the Roman gods when they think of Greece, or when they think of the ancient gods in general. Juno versus Hera, Jupiter versus Zeus, and Mars versus Ares are some examples of their different and separate deities; not just their names, but their personalities as well. There are many differences between the two religions, as well as differences between each culture’s social standings. NotRead MoreEssay Greek and Roman Governments772 Words   |  4 PagesGreek and Roman Governments The Greek democratic and Roman republic governments each had their own positive and negative aspects making them similar, yet exclusively different. Both have had tremendous influences on governments in our modern world. Rome was a republic where the leaders were chosen through voting, while Greece practiced a more direct democracy in which the citizens participated in the crucial decision-making within the government. This paper will attempt to diagnose theRead MoreDifferences And Similarities Between Ancient Greece And Rome864 Words   |  4 PagesThere are lots of similarities and also differences between Ancient Greeks and Romans, some of the similarities are their government and their arts and literature. Their first similarity is in their government. In Greece, Pericles was an important figure in Athenian politics between 461 B.C. And 429 B.C., during this time Athens expanded its empire abroad while democracy grew at home. The period of classical Athenian and Greek h istory was called the Age of Pericles. Pericles created a direct democracyRead MoreThe Similarities Of The Vedic And Greco-Romans758 Words   |  4 PagesVedic and Greco-Romans Although the though the two religions were worlds apart, numerous features of both religions seemed no different from one another. Through time, there has been many theories as to how this ancient Hindu religion could share so much resemblance to the ancient Greeks. Many traits of the similarities include: the ancient language of Sanskrit and Greek writings, the connections in their polytheistic deities, and even in the stories and legends of the two separate religions. WesternRead MoreWomen s Influence On Women1545 Words   |  7 Pagesin society compared to that of Greek women in ancient Greece. Women were cogs in a patriarchal dominated society woman were very much under their husbands control according to law and the most important role of women was to raise the children and work at the house with the slaves if they could be afforded. Women could not vote in Greek society, they could not own property, and women could not have much communication with males outside their immediate families. In Roman society however there is a changeRead MoreSimilarities Greeks and Romans Essay896 Words   |  4 Pages3RD pd world cultures | Similarities and differences between Greece and Rome. | Essay. | | Zack Skone | 4/18/2013 | This document is about the similarities and differences between Ancient Greece and Rome. | Comparisons and differences between the Ancient Greeks and Romans The Ancient Greeks and Romans both began their histories as city-states. While the coastline and the mountainous terrain of the Greek peninsula isolated the various Greek cities from one another, the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Differences Between the Birds the Movie and the Birds...

The Birds The Birds, the movie was directed by Alfred Hitchcock and was based on the short story The Birds written by Daphne du Murrier. If you would have read the book and then watched the movie, you would see that very few things are the same. In both the short story and the movie flocks of gulls, robins, crows, and sparrows join each other. This is really weird because different species of birds never work together. The story and the film both have the same climate. It is cold and chilly; the ground is frozen and it will be a black winter. The climate gives the versions of the story a creepy and suspenseful feeling. Each version also has the main characters boarding up the windows. Anyone who thought the birds wont attack are†¦show more content†¦In the story birds attacked when the tide came in and in the film the birds attack at different times, over and over. The characters are totally different in the two versions. The short storys main characters are a family; a husb and, a wife, and two children. The films characters are a woman and a man, and the mans mother and younger sister. In the film, it shows more of the school and the children then it does in the short story. The radio is also more involved in the short story then it is in the film. More events happen in the film, such as the fire at the gas station and the restaurant. The film shows more details then the short story and helps you visualize the attacks more. There is no real ending to the short story. The readers are just left hanging with the family in the house, fearing for their lives and showing that the father is giving up by smoking the last cigarette. In the film the characters are able to slip out of the house during a time when the birds werent attacking and drive away to San Francisco, or at least away from BodegaShow MoreRelated Differences between The Birds the Movie and The Birds short story592 Words   |  3 Pages The Birds nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Birds, the movie was directed by Alfred Hitchcock and was based on the short story â€Å"The Birds† written by Daphne du Murrier. If you would have read the book and then watched the movie, you would see that very few things are the same. In both the short story and the movie flocks of gulls, robins, crows, and sparrows join each other. This is really weird because different species of birds never work together. The story and the film both have the same climateRead MoreThe Notebook Film Elements1708 Words   |  7 PagesLauren Taibi First Paper Assignment The Notebook The movie The Notebook, directed by Nick Cassavetes and released on June 5th 2004, is a captivating love story, which takes place in the 1940’s. Through filmatic elements such as Cassavetes choices of cinematography, editing, narrative, mise en scene, sound and music, he creates an extremely believable story of two teenagers in the 1940’s who fell in love over the time span of one summer. In order to create a 1940’s vibe, Cassavetes wisely usesRead MoreSummary Of Julia Alvarez s Liberty 1316 Words   |  6 PagesAliyah Rivers Mrs. Waxham English 1E -2 28 Sep. 2015 â€Å"Liberty† Summary Julia Alvarez In the short story â€Å"Liberty† by Julia Alvarez, Papi brings home a black-and-white speckled puppy. The puppy is a gift from the American consul for all the help given from Papi. Mami does not like the puppy and thinks of it as trouble. But, the narrator has found her â€Å"double in another species.† The two of them like to hide in a secret place in the front yard. Together, they are confronted by two mean, scary menRead MoreDisney Gets It Right : Moana The Way Finder1088 Words   |  5 Pagesadventure-packed film in every sense of the word; although it does have some humorous scenes. For example, in one scene Maui, Moana’s demi-god companion, uses Moana’s dumbfounded pet chicken, HeiHei, to carve his name on her oar while explaining, â€Å"When you use a bird to write with it’s called tweeting† (Lasseter, J. Shurer, O., Clements, R., Hall, D., Musker, J., Williams, C., 2016). However, the small bouts of comedy do not compare to the a mount of adventure Maui and Moana encounter throughout their voyageRead MoreKenneth Branaghs Much Ado About Nothing Essay1588 Words   |  7 Pagesand setting are transformed to reveal Branagh’s joyful rendition of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy. However, though Branagh’s vision is nothing short of cinematic genius, it neglects some of the deeper meaning that is illustrated within the original written play. Shakespeare’s subtle nuances and elaborate dialogue shape each character as the plot of the story unfolds. Branagh neglects the situational relevance of certain dialogue within scenes of the written play; relying more on visual effect ratherRead MoreMeanings Are Transmitted Throughferred On By Significations And Undertones As Well As By The Writer s Game Plan1693 Words   |  7 Pageswealth (Weaver, 2014). Rhythm as it relates to sound In order to understand the relationship between rhythm and sound, we need to know the definition of both terms. According to the online free dictionary, (, rhythm and sound are defined as: Rhythm: (4a) â€Å"the pattern or flow of sound produced by the organization of stressed and unstressed syllables in accentual stanzas or of long and short syllables in measurable verses.† (The Free Dictionary, n.d.) Sound: (1c) â€Å"the sensation arousedRead More Flight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of Sugar Lips Shinehot, and Por5690 Words   |  23 PagesFlight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of Sugar Lips Shinehot, and Portable Promised, and Land First Eagle Story Since the beginning of time all human beings have had a fascination with human flight. Watching a bird soar through the air, one cannot help but desire the same capabilities. Imagine the point of view of the bird that flies high above the trees, among the mountains, over the ocean, and high in the air, far away from the clamor of everyday life on the groundRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Brokeback Mountain 1651 Words   |  7 Pagestragedy surrounding forbidden love. The love is between two men, Ennis and Jack and the setting is Wyoming for twenty years from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. This was a time of conservative values that looked at homosexuality in a negative light. These values caused Ennis and Jack to create a life that was what was expected in spite of what they wanted. From this came a great deal of frustration and pain for the two men, their wives, and families. The movie also related to a common issue of today’s societyRead MoreThe Wolfpack Is A 2015 Documentary That Tells The Story Of The Angulo Family1260 Words   |  6 PagesThe Wolfpack is a 2015 documentary that tells the story of the Angulo family, specifically the six movie obsessed brothers, and their life in a tiny New York City apartment. The Angulo brothers, all named by their Hare Krishna father for different iterations of the god Krishna, shared a six room apartment with their parents and older sister, Visnu. Their tight knit relationship developed in part from the isolation the family experienced during the boys childhood. During the film, they tell theRead MoreThe Importance of Fables Essay1324 Words   |  6 Pagesfables themselves. I read through 15 different fables online and produced what I learned onto a chart. On the chart I had listed six different categories: story, characters, setting, plot, theme, and tone. I had a fun time reading through the fables. The stories were entertaining and made me feel like a kid being taught lessons through storie s like my mom used to do with me. After reading through all of the fables I became intrigued with Aesop. I was determined to delve deeper. I explored multiple

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Escapes from reality in A Separate Peace Essay Example For Students

Escapes from reality in A Separate Peace Essay How did Finny and Gene find ways to escape from the world? They actually had many ways in which they seemed to escape from life to focus on other things. Everyone in the book found their own ways to escape as well, but to me, Finny and Genes ways stood out the most. One way of escaping reality was through Fannys Invented game of Blackball. The boys escaped school from the moment Finny invented the game and every time they played. Every student played, so all the boys got to break away from the world for a short time. Blackball was very popular Gene even says, Everybody played it; I believe form of it is still popular at Devon (Knowles 39). There were always new rules to learn because Finny seemed to always make something else about the game up. The game seemed to be hypnotize to all who played. The next way Finny and Gene escaped was by taking a trip to the beach. The trip destroyed study time so It was another escape from school. While at the beach, the boys did almost everything possible such as surfing, swimming, eating, and staying the night. While there, Gene and Finny got to talk one-on-one for a while. It was one f the few times that they got the time to talk alone outside of their room. One of the last times that the boys were able to get away from the world was when Finny trained Gene for the 1944 Olympics. Gene notices that Finny seems to be training him for a goal Finny himself had once longed to accomplish. While training, the boys are trying to forget the war, but according to Genes own words it doesnt work that well, Not forgetting that troops were being shuttled toward battlefields all over the world (Knowles 117). Still Gene goes along with the feat of training for he Olympics even though he understands It Is quite Impossible, There was no harm in taking aim, even If the target was a dream (Knowles 117). Escaping from reality seemed to be something the boys did often. I think In a way It became a tradition for them. They seemed to be exceptionally good at finding new and better ways to get away each time. I think the beach was the best escape for them though. While there, they seemed to be able to forget their problems much easier. All in all, they both found their own way to get away from the world. Sources: A Separate Peace by John Knowles Escapes from reality in A Separate Peace By Anonymous User One way of escaping reality was through Fannys invented game of Blackball. The boys destroyed study time so it was another escape from school. While at the beach, the work that well , .. Not forgetting that troops were being shuttled toward battlefields the Olympics even though he understands it is quite impossible, There was no harm in taking aim, even if the target was a dream (Knowles 117). Escaping from reality seemed to be something the boys did often. I think in a way it

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Odysseus Selfish Hero. Essay Example

Odysseus: Selfish Hero. Paper Morgan Kraft Period 2 October 11, 2011 1st Quarter Essay Jack Sparrow is a selfish hero. He thinks of himself most, but he truely cares for his men. He relates to Odysseus in that manner. Odysseus is also a selfish hero, but a hero all the same. This is proven by his courage, his cleverness, and his caring nature. Odysseus is a hero because of his courage. This is shown on many occasions including in the episode with the Cyclops. Homer, in his epic poem The Odyssey describes how Odysseus rammed it [the spike] deep in his crater eye (Homer 692). This is courageous because the Cyclops could have killed him pretty easily and there are many ways it could have gone wrong, yet he did it anyway. Another example is when he enters the Land of the Dead. His courage is expresses through the following: and I grew sick with fear. But presently I gave command to my officers to flay those sheep the bronze cut down, and make burnt offerings of flesh to the gods below (Homer 701). Odysseus had no clue what could have happened to him there, but he knew to make it home he had to, even though he was scared. We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus: Selfish Hero. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus: Selfish Hero. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus: Selfish Hero. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Listening to the Sirens song was a noble act as well, for the reason that he could have found a way to untie himself, but he knew he had to listen because of Circe’s warning of the dangers he will face: the Sirens, who lure sailors to their destruction (Homer 705). In the cases of the Cyclops, underworld, and Sirens Odysseus showed great bravery therefore he is a hero. Another of Odysseus’s heroic traits is his cleverness. Proof of his wit is seen when he tells the Polythemus My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy. (Homer 692). This shows that he has the ability to think ahead in difficult situations and not let his head get clouded. Yet another example is when he slung a man under the middle one [sheep] to ride there safely (Homer 694). This demonstrates his knowledge of whom he is around. Odysseus knew that the Cyclops was a shepherd and he had to let his sheep out everyday. One final example of Odysseus’s cleverness is shown w hen he laid it [beeswax] thick on their [shipmates] ears (Homer 706). This is clever because his men cant hear the melodious voices of the Sirens. This indicates that his wit makes him a hero. A final, but not only other, heroic trait Odysseus wields is his care. Proof of this is shown while on the island of the Lotus-Eaters when he fought to bring his men back to the ship. In this episode Homer writes as Odysseus, I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches (Homer 685). This is caring because some captains would just say, â€Å"forget it†, and leave them. More proof is shown when he has his men tie him to the mast of the ship and listen to the sirens. yet she urged that I alone should listen to their [the Sirens] song (Homer 705). The care in this is the fact that he sacrificed part of his sanity so that his men would be able to get past the Sirens. One more act of his care is shown when he grieves for the loss of his men, time and time again. An example of this is when he sees Elpenor in the Hades realm, Now when I saw him there I wept for pity (Homer 701). This shows he is not completely selfish and that he actually feels bad every time a man dies on his watch. Henceforth, Odysseuss care proves he is a hero. To end, the heroic traits Odysseus has are courage, wit, and care. And these traits prove what a true hero Odysseus truely is. Yes, he may be selfish like Jack Sparrow, but he is still a hero. So, with this how many of todays so called heros actually are?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Video and Activity Domestic Workers Essays

Video and Activity Domestic Workers Essays Video and Activity Domestic Workers Essay Video and Activity Domestic Workers Essay Video and Activity Domestic Workers It is through work that we find to fulfill our purpose here on earth. According to John Paul II, work is a fundamental aspect of the existence of humankind. Work is indeed an important element of transforming the earth as well as adapting the earth to suit the needs. There are many forms and nature of work, in all these forms work should be dignified, and in this way, all workers should enjoy their full rights. The role of women in domestic work should be viewed more closely with dignity as many of them have faced a lot of injustices in the past, present and could still perpetuate. The rights of workers are very imperative and must be observed at all costs. Many governments do not consider domestic workers as relevant employees, and this should not be the case. The entire labor process has to be organized to meet the needs of women and men at work. The rights of all workers should be safeguarded by their direct employers as well as indirect employers. Domestic workers in many countries face torture, oppression, sexual harassment and other forms of abuse with poor working conditions. John Paul II view work in a spiritual manner. He believes that by sharing in work human being contributes to the creation process since Jesus is happy with those who work as he was also a laborer. In conclusion, dignity is an important aspect of domestic labor and employers should work towards ensuring all their workers are treated with respect. Domestic work is not an easy task and should also be considered a form of labor that should be remunerated well with good working condition s.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Get an Internship in College When You Don’t Know Anybody

How to Get an Internship in College When You Don’t Know Anybody You know the drill. Good things happen to people who know people. That’s how internships and jobs are landed- personal connections. But what if you don’t know anyone? How are you supposed to get that internship, let alone a job? Here are four proactive and creative things that you can do to beat the odds.Brand YourselfIt’s never too early to craft a unique personal brand. That’s the kind of thing that really sings to recruiters, plus it shows a fluency with valuable social media platforms. Use your favorite apps to create a platform and an atmosphere around yourself and your particular skills and interests. And use web software and blog sites to showcase your best accomplishments online. Think of it as an online portfolio, no matter what your field.And keep it professional. Double-check your e-presence with the help of a site like Then get involved in any important discussions in your chosen field.Be SpecificWhen you’re working on your resume and cover letter, do yourself a favor and make them as targeted specifically to the job or internship you want as possible. Try printing out both the job description and your resume and then go through both with a highlighter. You want as many keywords to overlap as possible. If you don’t have many, go back through and retool your resume. Then draft a customized cover letter for that particular position. It shows your thoroughness and also your level of investment- before you even get an interview.Go to the OfficeYour college or university has a career office for a reason. Use it. Career advisors are trained to help with general job search strategies, and can be an invaluable resource, but there are also career advisors there who have specific knowledge of the field you’re trying to break into. Go and pick their brains. Have them run a fine-toothed comb over your materials. Ask them for strategic advice. You never know what they could turn up, including companie s searching for candidates just like you!Go Above and BeyondThe rest is up to your professionalism and charm. Read up on the company before the interview. Practice your answers to typical sample questions. Get a good night’s sleep, dress appropriately, always be 10Â  minutes early. Shake hands with everyone. Make eye contact. Stay on your toes. Be personable and warm while making them see how qualified you are. Then write a thoughtful follow-up thank you email and address it to your interviewers by name.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

METHODOLOGY POLICY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

METHODOLOGY POLICY - Essay Example Organizations operate with the aim of attaining economic efficiencies. Production is guided by the law of marginal utility and continues until marginal returns equal marginal cost of production. Beyond this point, production is inefficient and organizations stop production. The graph shows an increasing trend in production and therefore explains that marginal utility from production is still lower than unit production cost. Based on the theory, advantage in production cost or higher demand into higher utility could explain the trend. The theory however fails to recognize the role of social utility in production and resource distribution (The State of Working America, 1; Wolf and Reinsick 52- 55). Labor theory of value explains that labor cost is the main driver of commodities’ cost, and therefore indicators of productivity. The graph, based the theory, shows that labor costs have been increasing at a higher rate than median family income. It also demonstrates inequality in labor wages. The theory’s rationale is similar to that of neoclassical theory (The State of Working America 1; Wolf and Reinsick 169). Keynesian theory explains a relationship between productivity and aggregate demand. The graph, based on the theory shows an increase in demand despite lower increase rate in income and therefore suggests increase in number of households towards higher demand and productivity values. Rationale of Keynesian theory is similar to that of neoclassical theory (The State of Working America 1; Wolf and Reinsick 126). Institutionalist methodology focuses on social utility instead of economic efficiency. Based on the approach, the graph demonstrates increasing investments into social utilities while demand driven production could have similar changes to median income. The investments could be from the government and private entities. This is contrary to neoclassical perspective economic efficiency (The State of Working America

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon Essay

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon - Essay Example Coincidentally, both of the companies under consideration utilize the service of a single auditing firm Ernst and Young LLP. Ernst and Young LLP prides itself in being a "global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory services (Ernst and Young 2008)" having the overall aim of extending a "positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole" (Ernst and Young 2008). With this commitment for excellence, it currently employs a pool of 130,000 professionals with diverse background and specialties each contributing to the success of the business organization. As an auditing firm, it maintains high standard in its undertaking and promotes overall transparency in financial reporting (Ernst and Young 2008). With the growth of financial fiascos and controversies involving huge corporations like Enron, Ernst and Young upholds its integrity in the market through its dedication to high ethical standards in its operations (Ernst and Young 2008). The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon both comprise four important financial statements each highlighting different aspects which give users of these information a thorough knowledge on their financial standing.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The United States education Essay Example for Free

The United States education Essay I studied in Korea for 14 years. But, now I have been studying in US. Knowledge of the United States education can be helped to understand US culture. There are similarities and differences between Korea and US educations. Korea and US educations have similarities. First, we study almost the same subjects like English, Math, Science, and P. E. So some Korean students who had studied in Korea’s school can understand pretty well in USA College, even though their English skill is not so high. Second, Korea and USA classroom have almost the same equipment (especially college). There are chairs and desks, blackboard, chalks, and backboard for some notices. However, both educations have a lot of differences. First, Korea’s class is bigger than US class. Korea’s class usually has 40~50 students. But US class has just 15~20 students. So US teachers have more attention than Korea teachers to the students. Second, Most Korean students usually studied alone in the classes. But, now we have to discuss with our classmates in US classes. Discussions require to student more activity. So most American students are more activity than Korean students. Finally, the biggest difference between Korea and the United States is teacher’s teaching skills. Most Korean teachers want to memorize the textbook for all students. So, Korean students try to memorize the textbook. But US teachers require summarizing information from textbook. US teaching skill help students to be more creative and active. In conclusion, US education requires to students to be creative and active but, Korea education want to be same for all the students. That makes competition between students. This competition can be helpful, but actually it makes a lot of problem. Korea education has to change more creative and active like US education.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thinking Outside the Box Essay -- Biography, Albert Einstein

Thinking Outside the Box Imagine all the things one encounters during everyday life. Try to also imagine being a person who cannot stand not knowing how those things work. This was the kind of unique person that Albert Einstein was. His obsession with how things worked began when his father, Hermann Einstein, gave him a compass. The fact that the magnetic needle behaved as if influenced by some hidden force field, rather than through the more familiar mechanical method involving touch or contact, produced a sense of wonder that motivated him throughout his life (Isaacson 13). Einstein’s different way of thinking is one explanation for his vast knowledge. Albert Einstein’s accomplishments during his lifetime have greatly influenced today’s science world. Albert Einstein had a considerably normal childhood. He was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He had a younger sister named Maria but the family called her Maja. She was born in November 1881. When Einstein met his baby sister for the first time he had mistaken her as his new toy. His response was to look at her and exclaim, â€Å"Yes but where are the wheels?† (Isaacson 11). His father, Hermann Einstein, was a Jewish businessman who had a knack for math and whose job required him and his family to move frequently. Since Hermann was a businessman, Albert’s parents were considered middle-class Jews (Brita. Einstein’s mother, Pauline, was a homemaker and an accomplished pianist. Since Pauline had a love for music, naturally she wanted her son to have one as well. She arranged for Albert to take violin lessons. He was hesitant at first, but that quickly changed when he first heard Mozart’s sonatas. Music became both magical and emotional to him (Is aacson 14). When Einstei... .... He continued to exam the brain and came to the conclusion that Einstein had more brain cells than the considered normal amount (Bragg 156). It is still not definite if that is the cause for Einstein’s excessive knowledge. Albert Einstein was a man of many traits. He was wacky, eccentric, and sometimes a loner. He felt no desire to dress the part of a scientific genius. Sweatpants and a hooded jacket always sufficed. His accomplishments and achievements inspired many scientists to venture off into the unknown with hope of finding new information. Although some considered his nontraditional lifestyle a hindrance, he pushed through the inevitable and continued on with his life. There is no question that Albert Einstein is still the most influential scientist of the twentieth century or that his accomplishments have greatly influenced today’s science world.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Encryption and Decryption Algorithm

Encryption and Decryption algorithm using ASCII values with substitution approach.First Author: M.Shruthi and Second Author: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bachupally, Nizampet, I.AbstractThis paper shows the possibility of employing the characteristics of available algorithms with poly-alphabetic substitution techniques in a linear fashion, to produce ASCII values of the typed text and then putting in the translating, transposition techniques in order to get the encrypted text. Before generating the cipher text, the algorithm will result in Message digest of the given text. This algorithm implements the model of symmetric Key cryptography. This algorithm can be implemented in any programming language such as C, C++, Java etc. In poly-alphabetic substitution the plain text's letters are encrypted differently corresponding to their position. The name poly-alphabetic proposes that can be more than one key so we have used two keys combination instead of one, in order that it produces the cipher text. We can also use three or more keys to make the encoding process more complex. In this paper have generated ASCII Codes of the plain text and then we have reversed it say it as reverse ASCII Codes and then we have produced two random keys named K1 and K2. Then these K1 and K2 Keys are alternatively applied on Reverse ASCII codes in order to produce encrypted text. On the other hand Decrypting algorithm is used to generate the plain text again. Our technique generates random cipher text for the same plain text and this is the major asset of our technique.II. IntroductionRelated work:a. IntroductionNow-a-days need of security is essential to make data secure from the unauthorized user to access. Security is needed in many of the organizations like military, budgets of Government, it is also necessary to our general economy and many business applications also. Business application involves the security among the data of the institute in which information about of the employees, manager workers and owner's profit is itself stored and similarly, application i.e, utilised by the user's according to their use also requires security. So security plays an indispensable role in our day to day life. Cryptography is one of the techniques for guarding data.Information Security is a set of thoughts for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital content. The responsibilities of Information security include launching a set of business processes that will safeguard information assets regardless of how information is formatted or whether it is transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.Important information or data cannot be sent across the internet without implementing any security mechanism, because this data can be seen by any intermediate person in order to change the message.So the command for Information Security across the networks is expeditiously increasing day-by-day. Every business organisation has a burden to secure their data from being loss or theft. A message digest is a cryptographic hash function which includes a group of digits generated by a hash formula. Message digests are intended to secure the integrity of a piece of data or information to identify changes or alterations to any part of a message. Basic terms for secure communication are:Let us consider two parties that want to communicate secretly, A and B. If A wants to send something to B, some information, we call that information a plaintext. After encrypting the plaintext a cipher text is produced. B knows the encryption method since he is the intended receiver and since he must use the same method together with his secret key to decrypt the cipher text and reveal the plaintext.b. Related Work:1. Avinash Sharma and his team have proposed a technique for encryption and decryption. In this paper they have explained about encryption and decryption techniques using ASCII values and substitution approach. (IJASCSE Vol 1, Issue 3, 2012)2. R.Venkateshwaran in his paper shows the possibility of utilizing the features of Genetic techniques with poly substitution methods in a linear way, to produce ASCII values of the given text and then employ transition, substitution with the features of Cryptography. (International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 3 – No.7, June 2010)3. Sumith Chowdary and his team described about the algorithm in which randomly generated numbers are used with the help of modulus and remainder by making program in any language i.e. c, c++ and java. (IJARCCE Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013)III. Basic Mechanism for cryptographyP=Plain text C=Cipher text X= Some Plain text Y=Cipher text of plain text K=Any Random key E(K,X): Encryption of X using key D(K,Y): Decryption of Y using K C=E[K,P] P=D[E,C]IV. History of CryptographyThe art of cryptography is considered to be born along with the art of writing. As civilizations period started, human beings got incorporated in tribes, groups, and kingdoms. This led to outgrowth of ideas such as power, battles, supremacy, and politics. These thoughts further furnished the natural need of people to communicate covertly with discriminative recipient which in turn assured the continuous evolution of cryptography as well. The roots of cryptography are found in Roman and Egyptian civilizations. The word Cryptography has been derived from the Greek word kryptos (hidden) and graphing (writing).Cryptography is the technique with which a plain text can be converted to cipher text so that this cipher text is not understandable by anyone excluding the recipient. Cryptography, the science of encrypting and decrypting information can be traced back all the way to year 2000 BC in Egypt. Here it was first used with the help of the standard hieroglyphics in order to communicate secretly. Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) used a simple substitution cipher which has been named after him today. During the first and the second war the command for confidentiality increased rapidly all kinds of new cryptographic techniques developed.V. Objective of the AlgorithmThe core objective of the research is to safeguard information stealing in what so ever manner it may be, with the use of appropriate technology. To secure information spilling and to provide a high-level integrity and authenticity to data or information using MD5 and Cryptographic algorithm that is sent over the network. Integrity: Ensures that a message is unchanged from the time it sent from the sender and till it is opened by the receiver.Authenticity: It verifies whether the identity of user in the system is a true or genuine user.To check the integration of message/information MAC is verified.VI. Algorithm for EncryptionDecryption and MAC Generation:Algorithm encryption{Generate two random keys k1, K2.Take dataFind ASCII values for each character in the data.Reverse each ASCII value and store it.Add each key alternatively to each reversed ASCII value.//This is the encrypted data.}Algorithm decryption{Take the encrypted data and random numbers.Subtract the keys from the encrypted dataEach alternativelyReverse the obtained values.// The reversed values will be ASCII codes of characters.Print the retrieved ASCII value's corresponding characters.}Algorithm MD5{Firstly append padded bitsThen append lengthInitialise MD BufferLater process message in 16-word blocks.Display the output.}Encryption Process: The above figure (fig 1.1) depicts the procedure of encryption.Let the text be HELLO WORLD.Firstly, generate 2 random keys named k1 and k2. For example let us assumeK1 =1123K2=1452Then translate the each character of message into its corresponding ASCII Code and the we reverse these ASCII codes. (This is shown in table1.1)Next, these keys k1, K2 are added alternatively to reverse ASCII numbers in order to generate cipher text. Table 1.1:Plain text ASCII number Reverse ASCII Number Cipher textH 72 27 1150E 101 101 1553L 108 801 2253L 108 801 1923O 111 111 1563 32 23 1146W 87 78 1530O 111 111 1234R 114 411 1863L 108 801 1923D 100 001 1453Decryption Process: This technique is exactly reverse technique to that of encryption. So in this process, subtract the keys from the obtained cipher text.That is first subtract k1 from first value of encrypted/cipher text and then subtract K2 from second value of cipher text, consecutively. Repeat this step until you reach to the end of the message.Finally we will get the plain text which was sent by user.Following table will depict the process of decryption:Cipher text Reversed ASCII number ASCII code Plain text1150 27 72 H1553 101 101 E2253 801 108 L1923 801 108 L1563 111 111 O1146 23 32 1530 78 87 W1234 111 111 O1863 411 114 R1923 801 108 L1453 001 100 DVII. MAC Generation:The MD5 hashing algorithm is a cryptographic technique that accepts a text of any length as input data and returns as output a constant-length digest parameter to be utilised for authenticating the true message.From past years, there has been exaggerated interest in generating a MAC produced from a Cryptographic hash code, like SHA-1, MD5, etc. Here in this, we have used MD5 algorithm for resulting a 128 bit hash-value. It is employed as a checksum to ascertain data integrity.Ex:1. helloMD5 Hash of your string: 5D41402ABC4B2A76B9719D911017C5922. The attack is at 5 p.m.MD5 Hash of your string: 54759A4BE2031EA6CC8D56B10CD4A9AAVIII. Snap shots of the algorithm implementationHome page: After entering some text: Click on encrypt button: Click on Decrypt button: If the text-box is empty: And if clicked encrypt then it results to a message:IX. Key words and AbbreviationsCryptography: The process of encrypting and decrypting text for securing it.Cryptanalysis: is the art of decoding or obtaining plain text from hidden messages over an insecure channel. It is also known as code cracking.Encryption: The technique of converting plain text into some other format with the help of a key is known as Encryption. Decryption: The technique of altering cipher text or encrypted text into plain (original) text is called as Decryption with the help of same key or other key.Key: An amount of information used for encrypting and decrypting text.Cipher text: The message written in secret code and is not understandable by anyone. Plain text: The original message given by end-user.Encryption Algorithm: An Algorithm for encrypting given text.Decryption Algorithm: An Algorithm for decrypting the encrypted text.MD5 Algorithm: An Algorithm for finding 128 bit Message digest for the given text.Abbreviations used:MAC: Message Authentication CodeASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.MD5: Message Digest v5X. Future scopeThis algorithm is formulated for the sake of security.There are many future scope of substitution approach employing ASCII value for Encryption & Decryption. Firstly it is certified that any intermediate person don't hack the data between the gap of plain text and cipher text. Secondly receiver receives the encrypted text as it's same as the senders send the plain text. Thirdly in the contemporary world, new technologies ameliorate day by day so we can exaggerate changes in this algorithm according to the requirement. This work can be further improvised upon in the future in many different ways.XI. ConclusionThere are many techniques such as RSA, IDEA, AES, DES, DIFFIE-HELLMAN algorithms and much more that can be utilized to modify a plain text into cipher text to transfer over the network so nobody else than an actual recipient can understand the message. But Substitution and Transposition is the ground for every algorithm as each and every algorithm employs Transposition or Substitution or both of them. In this view we have introduced a new technique that is titled as substitution using ASCII Codes. This new method for text encryption and decryption behaves randomly so grouping of the same cipher text and breaks it by just guessing it becomes more difficult. This technique of combining cryptography and Message digest can lead to new area of research on securing data by other mechanisms. This technique of text encrypts and decrypt employing ASCII algorithm is definitely an impelling process when compared with other cryptographic systems. This algorithm is very meteoric, procure and trust worthy.XII. References:1. Stallings W. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 2/3e Prentice hall, 1999; 30-49.2. Author: Vineet Sukhraliya, Sumit Chaudhary, Sangeeta Solanki, Title: Encryption and Decryption Algorithm using substitution array approach. IJARCCE Vol 2 Issue 8 August 2013.3.Author: Avinash Sharma, Anurag Bhatnagar, Nikhar Tak, Anuradha Sharma, Jitendra Avasthi, Prerna Sharma Title: An Approach Of Substitution Method Based On ASCII Codes In Encryption Technique ,IJASCSE Vol 1, Issue 3, 20124.Author: R. Venkateswaran Dr. V. Sundaram, Title: Text Encryption and Decryption with Poly Substitution Method and Combining the Feat ures of Cryptography. IJCA Vol 3 – No. 7 June 2010. 5. 6.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Children’s literature Essay

Reading is one of the most important lifelong activities. Young children are connected with reading and books long before they actually know how to read. It starts when a child has the first book in his hand or when parents read to him from a book. It is a wonderful way for young children to spend time together with their parents. The interaction that is going on between a child and parent when they are reading together has some important components. One of them is predictability—as these activities usually occur on a regular schedule and follow a regular pattern of steps. Playfulness is evident as these activities are done for fun. Language is used to construct meaning and share ideas. The child gets opportunities to lead the activity, the parent is modeling language and reading behavior and together they develop their own jargon for many ideas. In this way parents intuitively use the â€Å"lab method† to teach their children about language, print, and books (Daniels, 1994, p. 37). A child understands that a book is connected with something pleasant for him and his important adults, something that makes them feel good. He understands the meaning of the word for an object long before he can say this word. Later he starts to understand that there are pictures and words in books and that they have some meaning. This is first step in developing reading abilities and love towards books. The joy of reading and love of books is crucial for each child’s development it is measured not only in school success but also in meaningful social interactions. This has been a decade of technological advances. From iPods to electronic readers children are bombarded with electrical images and stimulations. But the surprising truth is that even with all the advances in electronics and gadgetry, reading to children and having them read is still one of the most important skills to give a child. Reading to a child can promote a child’s cerebral and emotional development. While any positive interaction between parent and child is helpful, reading is always a sure fire way to gain a positive foothold into a child’s life. Books open doors to new ideas, cultures and concepts. By reading to young children a parent helps instill a love of books in children and helps them want to read more. The internet is a great learning resource for children as well as adults but a good reading ability should come first and foremost. Without a strong reading capability a child is unable to use the internet to its full potential. The Parent’s Role in Fostering a Love of Reading A parent is a partner in the life of his or her child. Parents can instill a love of books and delight in wordplay, develop pre-reading skills and help children become accomplished independent readers. Listed below are several ways to incorporate a joy of reading in a child. †¢ Read to the child every day. Start as early as possible. Books on tape can also be utilized. †¢ Sing nursery rhymes and children’s songs. †¢ As early as possible help the children obtain a library card. †¢ Treat books as though they are special. †¢ Give books at Christmas, birthdays and as rewards. †¢ Let the child make picture books by cutting out pictures from magazines or pictures they colored and glue them into homemade books. †¢ Make sure the child sees the parent reading. It doesn’t have to be a book; reading newspapers, magazines, or even the back of a cereal box can provide an example. When reading aloud, read with expression and excitement. †¢ Give the child opportunities to write even if it is unreadable. †¢ Let the child tell a story that the parent writes down. When it is completed let the child illustrate the story. †¢ Let the child pick the story for story time. †¢ Let the child help parents cook following a recipe card or cookbook. Books Help Children Develop Vital Language Skills Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. Not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and (later on) universities, but in adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information on anything from health problems and consumer protection to more academic research into science or the arts depends on the ability to read. The more children read, the better they become at reading. It’s as simple as that. The more enjoyable the things they read are, the more they’ll stick with them and develop the reading skills that they’ll need for full access to information in their adult lives. Reading should be viewed as a pleasurable activity – as a source of entertaining tales and useful and interesting factual information. The more young children are read to, the greater their interest in mastering reading. Reading out loud exposes children to proper grammar and phrasing. It enhances the development of their spoken language skills, their ability to express themselves verbally. Reading, by way of books, magazines or websites, exposes kids to new vocabulary. Even when they don’t understand every new word, they absorb something from the context that may deepen their understanding of it the next time the word is encountered. When parents read aloud to children, the children also hear correct pronunciation as they see the words on the page, even if they can’t yet read the words on their own. Reading Can Open Up New Worlds and Enrich Children’s Lives As mentioned above, reading opens doors – doors to factual information about any subject on earth, practical or theoretical. Given the wealth of available resources such as Internet, libraries, schools and bookstores, if children can read well and if they see reading as a source of information, then for the rest of their lives they will have access to all of the accumulated knowledge of mankind, access to all of the great minds and ideas of the past and present. It truly is magic ! Through books, children can also learn about people and places from other parts of the world, improving their understanding of and concern for all of humanity. This, in turn, contributes towards our sense that we truly live in a â€Å"global village† and may help us bring about a more peaceful future for everyone. This can happen through nonfiction but, perhaps even more importantly, reading novels that are set in other places and time periods can give children a deeper understanding of others through identification with individual characters and their plights. Through stories and novels children can vicariously try out new experiences and test new ideas, with no negative consequences in their real lives. They can meet characters who they’ll enjoy returning to for comforting and satisfying visits when they reread a cherished book or discover a sequel. Books also give kids the opportunity to flex their critical thinking skills in such areas as problem solving, the concepts of cause and effect, conflict resolution, and acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions. Mysteries allow children to follow clues to their logical conclusions and to try to outguess the author. Even for very young children, a simple story with a repetitive refrain or a simple mystery to solve gives a confidence boost. Children can predict the patterns and successfully solve the riddles. Children are influenced by and imitate the world around them. While a steady diet of violent cartoons may have a detrimental effect on children’s development, carefully chosen stories and books can have a positive influence on children, sensitizing them to the needs of others. For example, books can encourage children to be more cooperative, to share with others, to be kind to animals, or to respect the natural environment. Reading Can Enhance Children’s Social Skills  Although reading is thought of as the quintessential solitary activity, in certain circumstances reading can be a socializing activity. For example, a parent or grandparent reading a story aloud, whether from a traditional printed book or from an ebook, can be a great opportunity for adult and child to share some quiet, relaxed quality time together away from the rush and stresses of the business of daily living. They share a few minutes of precious time, plus they share the ideas that are contained in the story. In addition, older children can be encouraged to read aloud to younger ones as a means of enhancing their relationship. At school or at a library story hour, books can bring children together and can be part of a positive shared experience. For some preschoolers this may be their primary opportunity to socialize and to learn how to behave around other children or how to sit quietly for a group activity. Make the most of this experience by encouraging children to talk about what they’ve read or heard. Reading Can Improve Hand-Eye Coordination  It may sound funny, but ebooks can be a way for children to improve their fine motor skills and their hand-eye coordination, as they click around a childfriendly website or click the backward and forward buttons of online story pages. They may also be picking up valuable computer skills that they’ll need in school and later in life. Reading Can Provide Children with Plenty of Good, Clean Fun I’ve saved the most important point for last. Reading can provide children with endless hours of fun and entertainment. All of the pragmatic reasons above aren’t at all necessary to justify reading’s place in children’s lives. Stories can free up imaginations and open up exciting new worlds of fantasy or reality. They allow children to dream and may give them a good start on the road to viewing reading as a lifelong source of pleasure; so read to your young children every day. Inspire your older children to read. Give them access to plenty of reading material that they’ll enjoy and discuss it with them. Sample everything – traditional printed books and ebooks on Internet, classic children’s novels and fairy tales, as well as more modern stories. If a child wants to hear the same story over and over again, don’t worry about it. Children take comfort from the familiarity and predictability of a beloved story that they know by heart. There’s no harm in that. Reread old favorites and, at the same time, introduce your children to new stories. Your child’s mind and heart have room for both. So Reading Really Does Matter After All There are so many ways in which reading continues to be both a vital skill for children to master, and an important source of knowledge and pleasure that can last a lifetime. Nurture it in your children. Make the most of all the resources that are available and waiting for you: printed books, online books, magazines and so forth. Encourage follow-up activities involving creative writing skills and the arts, as well, so that your children can reflect upon or expand on what they’ve absorbed and, at the same time, develop their own creativity. As you help your kids appreciate the magic of reading, you’ll find that there’s a whole wonderful world full of children’s literature out there that you  can enjoy too.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Find the Subject of a Sentence

How to Find the Subject of a Sentence In English grammar, a subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. (The other main part is the predicate.) The subject is sometimes called the naming part of a sentence or clause. The subject usually appears before the predicate to show (a) what the sentence is about, or (b) who or what performs the action. As shown below, the subject is commonly a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase. Types of Subjects A subject may be one word or several words. The subject may be just a single word: a noun or a pronoun. In this first example, the proper noun Felix is the subject of the sentence: Felix laughed. In the next example, the personal pronoun he is the subject: He laughed. The subject may be a noun phrase - that is, a word group made up of a head noun and any modifiers, determiners (such as the, a, her), and/or complements. In this example, the subject is The first person in line: The first person in line spoke to the television reporter. Two (or more) nouns, pronouns, or noun phrases may be linked by and to make a compound subject. In this example, the compound subject is Winnie and her sister: Winnie and her sister will sing at the recital this evening. A Note About Subjects in Questions and Commands In a declarative sentence, as weve seen, the subject usually appears before the predicate: Bobo will return soon. In an interrogative sentence, however, the subject usually appears after a helping verb (such as will) and before the main verb (such as return): Will Bobo return soon? Finally, in an imperative sentence, the implied subject you is said to be understood: [ You] Come back here. Examples of Subjects In each of the following sentences, the subject is in italics. Time flies.We will try.The Johnsons have returned.Dead men tell no tales.Our school cafeteria always smelled like stale cheese and dirty socks.The children in the first row received badges.The birds and the bees are flying in the trees.My little dog and my old cat play hide-and-seek in the garage.Could you carry some of these books?[You] Go home now. Practice in Identifying Subjects Using the examples in this article as a guide, identify the subjects in the following sentences. When youre done, compare your answers with those below. Grace cried.They will come.The teachers are tired.The teachers and the students are tired.His new toy is already broken.The woman in the back of the room asked a question.Will you play with me?My brother and his best friend are forming a band.Please be quiet.The old man at the head of the line was  holding a Darth Vader  lightsaber. Below (in bold) are the answers to the exercise. Grace  cried.They  will come.The teachers  are tired.The teachers and the students  are tired.His new toy  is already broken.The woman in the back of the room  asked a question.Will  you  play with me?My brother and his best friend  are forming a band.[You]  Please be quiet.The old man at the head of the line  was  holding a child  by  each hand.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Discomfort vs. Discomfiture

Discomfort vs. Discomfiture Discomfort vs. Discomfiture Discomfort vs. Discomfiture By Maeve Maddox A reader asks the difference between the words discomfiture and discomfort. Although you may find the words given as synonyms in a list, a distinct difference exists. Discomfort connotes a lack of ease. Discomfiture connotes unease together with embarrassment. discomfort (noun): 1. Something that makes a person feel (mentally or physically) uncomfortable; an inconvenience, a hardship. Also: a slight physical pain. 2. The state, condition, or fact of being (mentally or physically) uncomfortable; uneasiness. Here are some examples of both physical and mental discomfort: Why Fear of Discomfort Might Be Ruining Your Life Depending on where you experience the discomfort, eye pain can fall into one of two categories: ocular pain (occurs on the eye’s surface), and orbital pain (occurs within the eye). Rub-on pain reliever can ease arthritis discomfort Computer-related posture and discomfort in primary school children Turkey Summons US Ambassador In Ankara To Express Discomfort [over US speech] Other leaders expressed similar discomfort with the law but were not as outspoken, including the prime ministers of Canada and the United Kingdom. discomfiture (noun): 1. Defeat in battle, overthrow, rout. 2. Frustration of plans or hopes; utter disappointment; perplexity, confusion; unease, embarrassment. Discomfiture in the sense of a literal rout or defeat in battle is the word’s original meaning and occurs with some frequency in historical and religious works, but in current usage the usual sense is figurative. Here are some examples of the use of discomfiture: The Cup day at Goodwood was remarkable for the discomfiture. France’s Foreign Policy: the Discomfiture of Gambetta’s Enemies [Lebanon] has clearly been delighted by President Bashar al-Assads discomfiture Divest yourself of Bad Breath to Avoid Discomfiture in Public Meanwhile, Democrats who have few things to cheer them are enjoying the Republicans discomfiture. (Washington Post) Republican leaders are delighting in the Democrats discomfiture. (Los Angeles Times) To sum up, â€Å"physical discomfort† is what you feel with a pebble in your shoe. â€Å"Mental discomfort† is what you feel when you hear a government spokesman or news anchor say â€Å"have went.† Discomfiture is what you feel when you are all set to give a PowerPoint lecture to a room full of people, and the projector won’t work. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingUsing the Active Voice to Strengthen Your Writing20 Ways to Laugh

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fibromyalgia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fibromyalgia - Research Paper Example Typically, the pain that patients face should have been ongoing for a minimum of three months for a correct diagnosis. However, as disabling as the pain is, it does not result in any deformity or damage to internal organs. This is what differentiates fibromyalgia from numerous other rheumatic conditions for instance, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and polymyositis. This is because these conditions are typified by tissue inflammation that results in damage to muscles or internal organs and deformity to joints (Shiel, 2012). During diagnosis, pain is mapped out from the upper and lower parts of the waist, either sides of the body and the axial skeleton; this accompanied with fatigue, sleep interruptions and non-restorative sleep should lead the physician to diagnosing the patient with fibromyalgia. In addition, the incidence and intensity of the pain is noted to verify the progression of the condition (Lesley et al, pg. 458). Furthermore, in establishing fibromyalgia in patients, the tenderness and pain should be verified using a force of 4kg on a minimum of 11 of 18 tender points within the body. Generally, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia relies on information from the patient, since its existence cannot be determined by objective medical findings, radiographic anomalies or regular laboratory tests. The information provided by the patient indicates the exact location of the pain and its severity as this will help in finding the proper treatment (Lawson, 2009). Notably also, is that even though there are no blood tests or X-Rays that specifically point to diagnosis of fibromyalgia, there is a need to carry out blood tests to exclude other medical conditions and laboratory tests to explain causes of certain symptoms (Lesley et al, pg. 462). Causes and Risk factors Because of the condition being present within families, for example, between mothers and their daughters, researchers have arrived at the conclusi on that a genetic component may be the cause. It is commonly preceded by a physical trauma in the form of a rigorous disease/injury. This sets off the progression of the condition with the central nervous system acting as the point of origin as patients experience pain to stimuli that are not ordinarily experienced by other individuals (â€Å"Fibromyalgia Fact Sheet†, n.d). Over 80% of persons affected by fibromyalgia are women that fall under the age bracket of 35-55. The condition is onset by pathological conditions in some patients while in others by somatization subsequent to traumatic events. Although not recurrent, the elderly, men and children have been seen to be affected by the condition. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus contribute to the risk of developing this condition (â€Å"What causes fibromyalgia†, 2012). Continuous studies have also shown that fibromyalgia patients have advanced levels of a chemical signal known as substance P found in the nervous system, and within their spinal fluid a nerve growth factor. Moreover, patients exhibit levels that are minimal, of chemical serotonin that originates in the brain. This suggests super-sensitivity in the central nervous system particularly around the brain, due to the severity of the pain that patients experience. This has led scientists to highlight that pain perception among fibromyalgia patients is distorted (â€Å"What causes Fibromyalgia†, 2012). Symptoms The primary symptom of fibromyalgia, which is pain, is attributed to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical Perspectives on Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Critical Perspectives on Management - Essay Example This research investigated the Derrida's views on the worth of deconstruction for management students and vital aspects of deconstruction between managerial decision-making of managers and a set of specified contingent situational training factors: decision type, perceived skill requirements, and objective skill inputs (Bowie N. E.,2002). The term deconstruction was coined by French philosopher Jacques Derrida in the 1960s and is used in contemporary humanities and social sciences to denote a philosophy of meaning that deals with the ways that meaning is constructed by writers, texts, and readers and understood by readers (Campbell J., 2002). One way of understanding the term is that it involves discovering, recognizing, and understanding the underlying and unspoken and implicit assumptions, ideas, and frameworks that form the basis for thought and belief. It has various shades of meaning in different areas of study and discussion, and is, by its very nature, difficult to define with out depending on "un-deconstructed" concepts (Ciulla J. B., 2005, 5-28). The results show a significant training for management student and relationship between the choice of decision styles and the postulated contingency variables. Only 1% of 615 senior managers consistently use a single decision style, more than two-thirds use four or five different styles. Very large variations occur as a function of different decision tasks, perceived skill requirements and objective skill availability (Cropanzano R.).According to the expert analysis, Derrida has been called a philosopher, anti-philosopher, fictional theorist, fictional subverter and thinker joker. But his innermost doctrines are clear. For management students, his conceptions are a source of excel once we use language (speech or writing) to submit to actuality, that realism is linguistically formulated and therefore undetermined. Import is not impressive preexisting in the mind that we move violently to articulate. Like the maj or logical schools of management students for talking philosophy from Hume onwards, and different from Saussure, Derrida does not consider words as the appearance of ideas (Bowie N. E.,2002).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Motivation of Maids in Motels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Motivation of Maids in Motels - Essay Example According to the essay "Motivation of Maids in Motels" findings, the additional responsibilities such as being maà ®tre d’hà ´te, preparing the work roster can keep them more engaged. Similarly, combining several work activities can help in creating challenging and enriching job description. Through this, the maids would feel that the role that they do is much more important and meaningful than before. For example, as a part of their core job of housekeeping, a combination of tasks such as profiling a customer, providing inputs to the other service teams and so on can be assigned to them. This allows the maids to learn and use a wide variety of skills than before, thus providing them more opportunities as well as ensuring that the get the opportunity to indulge in workplace learning. These physical changes in the job description can be a source of great motivation to the maids. Along with the physical changes, it is also necessary to consider the strategies to enhance the pe rsonal identity of the motel maids. The main strategy that needs to be considered here is to make sure that the self-esteem of these workers is not just preserved, but improved (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). For example, improving their dress code and ensuring that they look smarter can be a great way to enhance the personal identity. Many employers think that since a maid does not have interaction with the guests, there is no actual need for a good and smart dress code. Another strategy that should be considered seriously is reinforcement. The management of the organization should reinforce constantly about the high importance of the role that they play in the organization (Chance, 2003). Efforts should be taken so the maids feel that they have a crucial role to play. This will provide the necessary respect and would make them proud about the work that they do. Furthermore, steps also should be taken so that the maids do not feel that they are at the bottom of the hierarchy of the org anizational structure of the motel. From a long-term perspective, there should an aim to move to a horizontal organizational structure. For Western motels, the right approach to leadership would be the transformational style of leadership. One of the main reasons that were identified as the reason of the high churn rate of maids was very low motivation. A transformational leader would have the capability to bring around a good change in this respect (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). This form of leadership has the potential to create a very valuable change in the staff and can enhance motivation levels, performance as well as the morale in the staff. With the help of individualized concentration, the leader can act as a mentor or coach and try to understand the reason for high attrition. Through intellectual stimulation, the leader can stimulate creativity and positivity in the staff. In the case of the maids, by providing them a variety of options, the leader can foster creativity to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Comparison of UK and Indian Cultures

Comparison of UK and Indian Cultures Introduction In this era of globalization in business environment, companies are expanding their business all over the world, i.e. in different countries and each of them with different cultures. One area in particular of growing importance is intercultural management skills. Culture in international business nowadays is recognized to have a major role to play in the international sales, marketing, recruitment, management and mergers. In short, culture is behind everything we do or say. ( Therefore, in the international and multi-cultural business community, there are very much possibilities of misunderstandings which can have a negative effect on the people which will intern affect the productivity of the organization. This complexity requires a manager to adapt in order to offer modern solutions to these problems. ( Culture is: Something shared by all or almost all members of some social group. Something older members of a group try to pass to younger members. Something (as in the case of morals, laws, and customs) that shapes behavior, or structures ones perception of he world. Therefore culture is all that one needs to know in order to be accepted in a society or an organisation which is a sum total of all the beliefs, values and norms shared by a group of people who have been brought up in a society to think, feel, interpret and react in a particular manner. Or it is a human need of adapting to circumstances and transmitting these skills and knowledge to the next generations. It can also be said as culture as mental programming is also crystallization of history in the hands, minds and hearts of the present generation. (Hofstede, 2001). This essay will talk about the cultural difference between India which is my home culture and UK which is the counterpart. I have chosen UK because I have been to UK for my Supervised Work Experience (SWE) and during my stay in UK I never paid attention towards the UK culture dimensions and would now like to analyze with respect to the different models. But before that lets have a look at some customs or values that are followed in these countries: India Hinduism Social freedom amongst the sexes is not appreciated. Use of first name to address people is avoided. The method of greeting depends on the social status of the person you are meeting i.e. if a son is meeting his father usually he greets him by bowing down and touching his feet. Where as educated people, in business meeting shake hands to welcome or greet each other. If invited for dinner one may only have the dinner with the business partner and not the whole family and do not get upset if you host asks you several times to have some more food. It is Indian custom to make sure that the guest does not get up hungry from the table. Also at the table one should use the right hand in passing food as Indian consider left hand as impure. UK: British people are formal, sophisticated, value privacy and are sensitive. Within UK controlled business environment, maintain decorum and avoid casualness in dress and conversation, loudness and shouting is too taboo. Family names and first name are preferred. British people are good negotiators as they are tolerant and good listeners. Fine manners and good etiquette are expected at all social occasions. Gift giving is not a normal custom in UK. (Harris, 2004 Rodrigues, 2001) Hofstede Model Cross-cultural study to find out the differences in national cultures, this was done by Hofstede across 60 different countries which included matched samples of business employees. These studies together identified four independent dimensions of national culture differences. The dimensions explored were Power distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism verses collectivism and Masculinity verses femininity. The first of four dimensions discovered by Hofstede is called power distance. Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful member of an organization or an institution accept and expect that the power is distributed unequally (Hofstede, 2001). The basic problem which is prevalent here is to what extent in a culture the degree of inequality between a less powerful individual and a high powerful individual is expected and accepted. India stands at the 10/11 position in the survey with a score of 77 whereas Great Britain is on the 42/44 position with a score of only 35. (see appendices-) For example During my SWE the service operation head of the whole hotel chain was very friendly, who was also the head of my department. I used to share my personal problems with her and even go out for dinner. This example would be further analyzed in the competencies. The second dimension is labeled as uncertainty avoidance (UA). It refers to the extent a culture or organization prepares its members to feel comfortable or uncomfortable in an unstructured situation (Hofstede, 2001). The issue involved here is the level to which a culture or society would accept strict laws and regulations over uncertainty and risk. Countries or cultures scoring high on UA have long history and the population is homogeneous. Risks even calculated are avoided and new ideas and concepts are difficult to introduce whereas countries on low UA scores are completely opposite. Although there is not much of a difference in the ranks given by Hofstede but still India scores a higher rank than Great Britain, also this dimension does not have a major role in the core competencies.( see appendices-) The third is individualism and collectivism which is the degree to which a culture stress on that right of an individual as compared to those of a group. Countries scoring high on individualism live in the I culture and strive for personal goals and achievements. In such countries it is acceptable to pursue personal goals at the expense of other. Whereas a country scoring low in individualism has the we culture. Individual desires and goal could be suppressed for the good of the group. For Example In UK culture people always consider themselves as an Individual, they are more bothered about themselves even if they belong to same family, whereas in India people consider each other as a part of a group and thats the reason joint families still exist in Indian society. The last one is masculinity and femininity which refers to the distribution of role between the two genders i.e. male and female. Countries with high masculinity are observed to have the following characteristics i.e. Priorities in life for people are achievement, wealth and expansion. Usually people settle conflicts through aggressive means.Women and men have different roles in society. OftenProfessionals in these countries work for longer hours and short vacations. Whereas in counties which are low in masculinity the following is observed. Priorities are the family, relationships and quality of life.Conflicts are usually solved though negotiation.Men and women share equal positions in society. Masculinity/Femininity are equally powerful but in respect to Hofstede, 2006 research both India and UK share common Masculinity culture as in both of these cultures social gender roles are clearly distinct.( see appendices) Halls Model The vital distinction is made by the anthropologist Edward Hall between high and low- context cultures and how these contexts have an effect on communication. In High Context cultures high context communication: information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person with little communication in the explicit words or message and on the other hand a low context culture communication most information is contained in explicit codes, such as words (Harris, 2004). High context cultures depend heavily on the external environment, situations, and non-verbal behavior in creating and interpreting communications. In high context cultures when individuals communicate they try to find out how much the listener knows about what is being discussed. People in high context cultures emphasize on interpersonal relationships, also developing trust is very important factor or step which should be made before starting a business. People are collectivist and work on their intuition rather than on reasons and are more indirect as well as formal. India is high context culture. Whereas in Low Context cultures the environment is less important, and non -verbal behavior is often ignored. While communication is going on the listener knows nothing or little and need to be told about what is being discussed. People in low context cultures emphasize legal documents rather than inter personal relationships or trust. People are individualistic and work based on logical reasoning and not on intuition, also they are direct and informal. UK is a low context culture. For example During my SWE I was asked by my colleague to help her with the work load. Instead of saying I can not, I said it would be difficult. The example would be analyzed in the competencies areas. The second concept given by Hall was to do with the how different cultures structure or manage their time i.e. polychronic verses the monochronic time orientation. The polychronic cultures believe in doing many things at one time and the monochronic cultures believe in doing one task at given point of time and time is subordinate to interpersonal relationships. UK belongs to monochromic culture and India is a polychronic culture. Stereotyping Another important factor or variable that the managers in the organization need to keep in mind is stereotyping. Stereotypes are set of attitudes that causes us to attribute qualities and characteristics to a person based on the group to which that individual belongs. (Harris, 2004) It basically involves categorizing and making perceptions about people based on ones experiences and it guides ones behavior towards that group of people in a particular way. Teamwork A team is a number of persons associated in same joint action, while teamwork is described as cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of persons working together towards the actualization of a goal (Harris, 2004). A hotel firm can only survive if the employees are ready to work and produce an effective team. As each and every operation in the hospitality industry is interrelated to each other. For example front office is depended upon housekeeping department for clean rooms and restaurant is dependent on kitchen for cooking food. Thus in order to have a successful multicultural team member should have complimentary skills and should think in favor of the team.( example see appendices-) Communication All activities involve communication. In the global era different managerial activities like motivating, leading, negotiation exchanging information etc are all based on the manager of one culture to communicate effectively and successfully to people of other cultures. Communication can not only verbal or written but also non-verbal i.e. body language, expressions etc (Adler, 1997). In international Hospitality and Tourism industries language plays a very important role, as both of these industries include direct guest contact; good language and communication skills can either make or break the impression of the organization especially hotels.( example see appendices) Conflict and Negotiation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conflict- A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash (www.ANSWER.COM) Causes of conflict communication failure personality conflict value differences goal differences methodological differences substandard performance lack of cooperation differences regarding authority differences regarding responsibility competition over resources non-compliance with rules ( These are some of the factors which causes conflict in an working environment of an organization which needed to be resolved through various modes and means Force Negotiate Bargain Avoid Accommodation and Appease (Mead 1998:2005) The most important tool is negotiation whichs is used to resolve conflict Negotiation is a process in which two or more entities come together to discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit (Harris, 2004). In international business negotiation, there can be misunderstanding due the difference in the culture to culture in language, cultural conditioning, negotiation style, approach to problem solving etc. Negotiation plays a very important role in Hospitality and Tourism Industries, such as negotiation on room rate with guests and travel agents in different countries etc. As India belongs to polychromic culture, while taking decisions people from India tend to involve other people (colleagues) into the negotiation process which makes the process longer. This also confirms the stereotype associated with them. This also happens as India a collectivist and high PDI country. Whereas UK which is monochromic culture they see time as an asset and quantity to be scheduled, they emphasize on making agendas and finish the work or taking the decision in time. Negotiation can also be effected by the communication style of the country i.e. as explained earlier the concept of high and low context cultures i.e. misunderstanding due to lack of clarity amongst the two cultures thus leading to unsatisfactory results of negotiation. Evaluating myself- Me, As a manager After completing my reflective practice assignment and following up the tasks given to us. After doing the Hofstedes measuring cultural differences approach model or exercise and I found that I measured masculinity more than femininity which clarifies that the job which is given or I undertake is done to get personal sense of accomplishment and I look for new and challenging opportunities for a high success .I would describe my self as low power distance human being as I would like to work with those mangers which makes decision by considering all the employees view points rather making their own personal decision I would focused more on collectivism rather on Individualism as I look for more opportunities to improve upon my skills and develop new skills by adapting to new working conditions ( see appendices- ) Cultures are normally attributed to groups of people but, within group each individual has his/her own individual characters which make the person stand out from others. I would describe my self as a good listener, good observer, cooperative with employees, Flexible and competitive (see appendices-). These individual characteristics make me stand out from other members of different cultures. The results of CCAI indicate that my strongest are is Personal Autonomy and my weakest area is Flexibility/Openness. While scores in Emotional Resilience and Perceptual Activity almost the same.( see appendices-) The area in which I lack the most is communication among different cultures; while I can easily handle situations in which things do not go as per plan or situations and in which stress and tolerance occurs. I lack in area where I am expected to communicate among different cultures, despite of the fact that, I would love to spend some time with people from different cultures. By improvin g my intercultural skills such as communication i.e. how to react on different ideas, people and experiences and I should not focus on what other people are saying and doing rather make my own decisions. This will make me a better person while I am in different culture and in my own culture. Also I should learn to appreciate different people and expenses. In the next six months by following up the action plan I would improve on my communication skill by reading novels and newspapers and also at the same time try interact and discuss on different issues with people in college whom I normally dont interact with, as it will also help me in appreciating different people as well. Completing this exercise would help me in dealing with different people at my future work place and also communicating effectively with them.(see appendices-) Conclusion and Recommendations The main focus of this essay was to analyze similarities and dissimilarities among Indian and UK cultures. This was done though use of two models of cultural analysis done by Hofstede and Hall. It was realized that both the cultures are too different from each other. As hospitality and tourism industry are growing at a rapid scale and due to globalization of the business, the demand for multicultural employees is increasing, but managing employees from totally different cultures like in India or UK would be great challenge faced by the managers in the industry. Also international visitors often expect that service providers should understand and respect their customs, beliefs and cultures, if not it may lead to cross cultural conflicts. Following are the recommendations for UK and India based managers: Cross cultural training should be provided to the employees so that they can adjust in new cultures. Information about other cultures should be provided which will lead to better understanding amongst the employees and enhanced teamwork. While communicating with Britishers, Indian people should use simple words which are grammatically correct should be used and direct communication should take place as British people belong to a low context culture and prefer messages/communication to be structured directly, that they get immediate to the point and state conclusions and bottom line. Proper understanding of other cultures and choosing appropriate negotiation process can produce effective and useful negotiation. A manager must find out the common and the uncommon values of his and counterparts culture in order to conduct effective and successful negotiation. While negotiating between UK and Indian cultures, managers should take care of the body languages, Gestures and use of grammatically correct language for communications should be used also, importance of time should be taken into consideration. Cross cultural training should be provided to the employees so that they can adjust in new cultures. Information about other cultures should be provided which will lead to better understanding amongst the employees and enhanced teamwork. Another consideration for global managers is that they should have/develop good listening skill. Bibliography Adler .N.J, (1997), International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, 4th Edition, South-Western, United States. Abercrombie.N and Warde .A( 2001), The Contemporary British Society, Black well PublishersLtd, Great Britian. Brislin. W.Richard , ( 1981), Cross Cultural Encounters, Pergamon Press, USA. Brislin.W. Richard and Cushner. K,( 1996), Intercultural Interactions, 2ed , Sage Publications, USA. Barker. C.( 2002) , Making Sense of Cultural Studies , Sage Publications, London. Conflict: Definition, Synonyms, from ( online) cited on 2 November url: Francesco, A. M. Gold, B. A. (2005) International Organizational Behavior : Texts, cases and exercises Upper Saddle Row, New Jersey, Pearson/Prentice Hall. Grazia. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Concert Report Essay -- Music

For this concert report I chose to go to a performance of student composers held at the Kimball Recital Hall. I chose this one because I wanted to see some of the talent that my peers have in the music realm, and also it was one of the only concerts I have been able to attend because I usually work at night. It was impressive to hear pieces composed by students. I cannot imagine creating something as complex as a musical composition, much less actually performing it, so this aspect of the concert was particularly awe-inspiring. There was a large attendance, and I think that much of the audience consisted of friends of the composers and/or performers. I went with three friends, who I convinced by telling it would be interesting to see student composers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first piece was called Oblique/musique composed by Patrick Swanson. This piece instantly stood out among the others because of the instruments involved. The piece was performed by two people: one playing a vibraphone and the other playing a large drum/cymbal/gong. However, the piece also contained prerecorded sounds of static, bass, and an incoherent voice. In this piece the melody was repeated many times. It was similar to the works of John Adams because of its repetitions, background recording, and minimalistic sounds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second piece was a piano composition by Thalia Ventimilla called Ecuadorian Afternoon. This piece had a very relaxing melody and a â€Å"walking speed† tempo. It was not fast and not slow. The intensity of the piece started out high and gradually declined, then built up to decline again. This went on in a series of decrescendos, rising and falling with lots of chords being played.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third piece was a duet for the flute and the oboe by Julia Grace Brown. The piece contained two movements, but I could not tell when one stopped and the second began because there was no pause. While they played the flute was quicker, playing in short, fast, high pitched notes. On the other hand, the oboe was steadier and carried the notes slightly longer, and it lead the flute through the song. Sometimes the two instruments played simultaneously, and sometimes the flute would mimic the oboe and follow it through the movement. Overall, the piece started out fast and eventually slowed with the two instruments ending together, but the flute always played in a higher range with a more piercing ... ..., intensity, and length. The entire movement had a feeling of rising to a maximum point which could not be surpassed. In the third movement the flute and the piano played together and played nearly the same thing, with the exception of the flutes higher notes. This to had an increasing in intensity and tempo. Now for the sake of time, and because this report is already too long, I will skip to the last piece. Also, the seventh piece was so long that I could keep discussing it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final and twelfth piece was made up of excerpts from a longer work called Five Short Pieces for Clarinet and Bassoon. To me, maybe because the concert was beginning to get long or maybe because I did not have many notes over it, the last piece seems fairly similar throughout its movements, or â€Å"Short Pieces.† The first was an up-beat piece with a distinct melody. The clarinet and bassoon alternated, with the clarinet playing the higher notes. The second movement had a have complete feel to it. The two instruments played at the same time, close to it. The third movement was an impressive sounding mix of ups and downs. It seemed that the performers were working very hard and it sounded very complex.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Open Text Essay

Connect’s main strength is its user-friendly, windows based interface, which allows user to seamlessly perform all document management activities, with only minimal training required. This simple and easy to use windows interface enviroment is fully integrating with Microsoft windows explorer, Word, Powerpoint and Outlook. Open Text has spent a lot of time and money patenting this interface as it the critical value-added selling point that differentiates Enterprise Connect from its competitors. Enterprise Connect is also integrated with Oracle, as it builds solutions on the Oracle Content Database structure. This allows for customers who already have an Oracle database, which is one of the most popular databases used in the world today, to fortify existing investment. As well Enterprise Connect is deeply integrated with SAP as Open Text has shared two-decades of partnerships can co-development with SAP, which is one of the most widely used ERP systems today. Competitive Analysis Market Leaders 1)IBM )EMC 3)Open Text Primarly Competitors: 1) IBM (Founded:1910, Size: 386,558, Location: 1 New Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504): Strength: In 2007, IBM was the largest ECM vendor based on revenue. Their ECM solution, FileNet, is a well integrated, fully flexible ECM solution. IBM will be able to successfully sell FileNet through its extensive partner service channel and current leading positions in key vertical markets including its traditional financial services, insurance, banking and government markets. Weakness: However, IBM has two content management solutions, DB2 and FileNet and questions are beginning to arise as to whether IBM will be able to fully integrate them into a single, simply to use solution. As well, although FileNet does have strong integration, it is still not fully integrated with all of IBM’s software solutions creating havoc for current IBM customers. 2) EMC (Founded: 1979, Size: 38,600, Location: 176 South Street Hopkinton, MA 01748) Strength: EMC has been a consistent market leader in the ECM market leader. Their ECM software solution Documentum, addresses the entire content life cycle, from capture through to final archive and in this way provides strong document collaboration. Weakness: While the collaboration software solution provided by Documentum is very useful and beneficial, there are a few draw backs to using it. The main disadvantage being that Documentum’s software requires the use of a complex and complicated IT infrastructure. This requires an extensive amount of installation time and can be a major inconvenience to those business professionals who are always busy and on the go. Oracle (Founded: 1977, Size: 84,233, Location: 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065): Strength: Oracle’s ECM solution, Oracle Universal Content Management (OUCM) is a well-integrated software solution and has the strongest integration with Oracle databases than any other ECM provider. This is a major strength as Oracle is one of the most popular databases used today. OUCM will also has access to one of the most robust set of complementary technologies and resources. As well Oracle has an extensive selling channel and customer base. Weakness: Oracle has been known for only supporting its own software. There still remain questions as to the support Oracle will be able to give for other platforms outside the Oracle infrastructure.