Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Resilience Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand free essay sample

Resilience is a word that few people know of and even fewer people possess it as a character trait. It means to be able to bounce back from something quickly. It can be developed from a tragic event that happened in one’s life or even a series of events that would break down a normal person. Resilience is a trait possessed by these four people who have definitely encountered and are still living through life changing events. Those four people are Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini, Russell Phillips, and Fred Garrett. Laura Hillenbrand is becoming a world sensation after writing her bestselling book, Unbroken. Sure she may seem like she is living the dream life with thousands of people buying her books every day, but what most people do not know about her is that she suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a disease that drains all energy from the body and leaves it feeling lifeless and overly tired. We will write a custom essay sample on Resilience Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The disease keeps her on bed rest for many of her days but she still finds time to write bestselling novels. She is resilient in that because even though she is living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she does not let it stop her from living her life and doing what she loves. She developed the disease while on a road trip with her boyfriend and other friends. They were driving along a highway when a deer began to step into the road. The car barely missed the deer by a few inches. Later that night a meteor came streaking across the sky. She was the only one who saw it. She then became very nauseous. Her boyfriend thought she had food poisoning but he would later learn that she had developed CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Louis Zamperini is a World War Two veteran and the main character of Laura Hillenbrand’s bestselling novel, Unbroken. Louis was born on January 26, 1917. As a child, he was constantly on the go and causing trouble. It did not matter how many times he was caught, he always went back to wreaking havoc on the streets of Torrance, California, the town where he grew up. By doing so, he developed resilience. When he was a teenager, he ran track for his high school team. He then went to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany on the United States track team. While in Berlin, a group on opposing runners boxed him in during a meet and cut his legs all to pieces using the pikes on the bottom of their cleats. He never let that stop him. He managed to bounce right back. When he went into the U. S. Air Corps, a plane he was on called, The Green Hornet, crashed into the middle of the Pacific. He and two other men were the only survivors. It was forty-seven days before he saw land again. That did not break him either. He was captured as a prisoner of war in Japan where he was beaten, starved, and he contracted many diseases. He pulled through and returned to his normal state upon arrival back on United States soil. Russell Phillips was a pilot for crew number eight in the nine-crew 372nd bomb squadron of the 307th bomb group, seventh Air Force. He flew the plane that carried Louis Zamperini. Phillips was born in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1916. When he was a boy, he was a lot like Louis. He was quiet on the outside but inside he had a wild streak. When he was in ROTC, his captain called him the lousiest-looking soldier. He never let that get him down. He proved to be a fine airman. He flew his airmen to through very dangerous bombings and all survived but one. He survived the crashing of The Green Hornet along with two others. He then survived forty-seven days in a raft floating through the Pacific with Louis and a man named Mac. Like Louis, Phillips survived the prisoner of war camps and took all of the beatings. He would not be broken by the Japanese. He too bounced back from the trauma. A good friend of both Louis and Russell was enrolled as an airman for the United States Air Force. He was an amputee with only one leg. He lost it upon his arrival in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. He injured it and it soon became badly infected. Because of this, a Japanese doctor amputated his leg off at the knee. He was able to show resilience though and recovered rather quickly. He also was a resilient survivor of the prisoner of war camps. Now all of these people are resilient in one way or another. Some were told they would never make it. Another is fighting a disease. One has a physical disability. Others were beaten down further than any human being should be. After all that they have been through, at the end of the day, they remain unbroken. Resilience Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand free essay sample Resilience is a word that few people know of and even fewer people possess it as a character trait. It means to be able to bounce back from something quickly. It can be developed from a tragic event that happened in one’s life or even a series of events that would break down a normal person. Resilience is a trait possessed by these four people who have definitely encountered and are still living through life changing events. Those four people are Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini, Russell Phillips, and Fred Garrett. Laura Hillenbrand is becoming a world sensation after writing her bestselling book, Unbroken. Sure she may seem like she is living the dream life with thousands of people buying her books every day, but what most people do not know about her is that she suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a disease that drains all energy from the body and leaves it feeling lifeless and overly tired. We will write a custom essay sample on Resilience Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The disease keeps her on bed rest for many of her days but she still finds time to write bestselling novels. She is resilient in that because even though she is living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she does not let it stop her from living her life and doing what she loves. She developed the disease while on a road trip with her boyfriend and other friends. They were driving along a highway when a deer began to step into the road. The car barely missed the deer by a few inches. Later that night a meteor came streaking across the sky. She was the only one who saw it. She then became very nauseous. Her boyfriend thought she had food poisoning but he would later learn that she had developed CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Louis Zamperini is a World War Two veteran and the main character of Laura Hillenbrand’s bestselling novel, Unbroken. Louis was born on January 26, 1917. As a child, he was constantly on the go and causing trouble. It did not matter how many times he was caught, he always went back to wreaking havoc on the streets of Torrance, California, the town where he grew up. By doing so, he developed resilience. When he was a teenager, he ran track for his high school team. He then went to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany on the United States track team. While in Berlin, a group on opposing runners boxed him in during a meet and cut his legs all to pieces using the pikes on the bottom of their cleats. He never let that stop him. He managed to bounce right back. When he went into the U. S. Air Corps, a plane he was on called, The Green Hornet, crashed into the middle of the Pacific. He and two other men were the only survivors. It was forty-seven days before he saw land again. That did not break him either. He was captured as a prisoner of war in Japan where he was beaten, starved, and he contracted many d iseases. He pulled through and returned to his normal state upon arrival back on United States soil. Russell Phillips was a pilot for crew number eight in the nine-crew 372nd bomb squadron of the 307th bomb group, seventh Air Force. He flew the plane that carried Louis Zamperini. Phillips was born in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1916. When he was a boy, he was a lot like Louis. He was quiet on the outside but inside he had a wild streak. When he was in ROTC, his captain called him the lousiest-looking soldier. He never let that get him down. He proved to be a fine airman. He flew his airmen to through very dangerous bombings and all survived but one. He survived the crashing of The Green Hornet along with two others. He then survived forty-seven days in a raft floating through the Pacific with Louis and a man named Mac. Like Louis, Phillips survived the prisoner of war camps and took all of the beatings. He would not be broken by the Japanese. He too bounced back from the trauma. A good friend of both Louis and Russell was enrolled as an airman for the United States Air Force. He was an amputee with only one leg. He lost it upon his arrival in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. He injured it and it soon became badly infected. Because of this, a Japanese doctor amputated his leg off at the knee. He was able to show resilience though and recovered rather quickly. He also was a resilient survivor of the prisoner of war camps. Now all of these people are resilient in one way or another. Some were told they would never make it. Another is fighting a disease. One has a physical disability. Others were beaten down further than any human being should be. After all that they have been through, at the end of the day, they remain unbroken.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Cómo preparar entrevista remoción condiciones greencard

Cà ³mo preparar entrevista remocià ³n condiciones greencard La entrevista para la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia es un requisito fundamental para convertir en definitiva la green card provisional del cà ³nyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense. Cabe destacar que dicha entrevista solo es necesaria en aquellos casos en los que el migrante recibià ³ la tarjeta de residencia con carcter condicional porque se le aprobà ³ cuando llevaba casado con el ciudadano americano menos de 2 aà ±os.   Esta residencia tambià ©n se conoce con el nombre de CR-1. En otras palabras, esto quiere decir que si los cà ³nyuges ya llevaban 2 aà ±os de casados cuando el esposo/o extranjero recibià ³ la residencia, dicha green card fue ya definitiva y no es necesario hacer este trmite. Entrevista remocià ³n condiciones de green card Solo los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos estadounidenses que recibieron su green card antes de cumplir dos aà ±os de casados deben solicitar la remocià ³n de condiciones para convertir su tarjeta de residencia en definitiva.La entrevista a los cà ³nyuges por parte de un oficial migratorio es una pieza fundamental en el proceso de remocià ³n de dichas condiciones. La finalidad es convencer al oficial de que se trata de un matrimonio real y no de uno de conveniencia por los papeles.Si la pareja ya se ha divorciado o se ha separado las opciones para que el cà ³nyuge extranjero obtenga la green card definitiva se reducen notablemente, pero hay algunas posibilidades.  ¿Cà ³mo se inicia la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la green card? Debe solicitarse la remocià ³n de las condiciones 90 dà ­as antes de que expire la green card condicional, que tiene fecha de expiracià ³n de dos aà ±os a contar desde la fecha de su aprobacià ³n. Para ello el trmite se inicia completando la planilla I-751. Durante este proceso una de las piezas fundamentales es la entrevista ante un oficial migratorio y a la que deben acudir ambos cà ³nyuges.  ¿Quà © se puede hacer si la fecha de la cita para la entrevista resulta inconveniente? En determinadas circunstancias, Inmigracià ³n puede admitir un cambio en la fecha. Estas son las reglas sobre cà ³mo solicitarlo si no se puede acudir a la cita con el USCIS.  ¿Cunto dura la entrevista para la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio? La entrevista por parte de un oficial de inmigracià ³n al matrimonio formado por un ciudadano/a americano/a y su esposo o mujer extranjero dura, de media, de diez a quince minutos. Se debe responder de manera concisa a las preguntas. Es altamente recomendable no hablar de asuntos sobre los que no se ha preguntado, entre otras cosas, para evitar problemas por hablar en exceso. Si el oficial  de inmigracià ³n necesita una aclaracià ³n o ms datos, asà ­ lo dir.  ¿Hay algà ºn tipo de preguntas estndar para la entrevista para la green card por matrimonio? En realidad, no existe un listado de preguntas estndar, aunque siempre se pregunta por la fecha de la à ºltima entrada a Estados Unidos por parte del cà ³nyuge extranjero. Asimismo, son tà ­picas las preguntas sobre dà ³nde se conocieron, el nombre de los hermanos de ambos y ciertas cosas personales, sin entrar en la intimidad de la pareja ni tampoco asuntos rebuscados. Tambià ©n pueden preguntar sobre el hogar familiar, las familias respectivas, etc. Este es un ejemplo de 65 preguntas que pueden hacer en la entrevista, pero el oficial migratorio puede preguntar cualquier cosa que estime pertinente y que le sirva para determinar si se trata de un matrimonio de buena fe.  ¿Quà © documentacià ³n debe llevarse a la entrevista? Para ingresar al edificio donde tendr lugar la entrevista es necesario llevar un I.D. oficial emitido por el gobierno. En el caso del ciudadano estadounidense puede ser la licencia de manejar, pasaporte, identificacià ³n militar, etc. En el caso del cà ³nyuge extranjero se admite su pasaporte, aunque està © expirado. Adems, es necesario llevar el original de toda la documentacià ³n de la que se envià ³ fotocopia cuando se realizà ³ la aplicacià ³n. El fin es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n pueda comparar el original con la copia. Asimismo, debe llevarse original y fotocopia)de documentos que no existà ­an en el momento en el que se envià ³ la solicitud de tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Por ejemplo, ya que se trata de un matrimonio, puede suceder que hayan sido padres de un nià ±o o una nià ±a despuà ©s de la solicitud. Entonces debe llevarse copia oficial del acta de nacimiento y fotocopia de la misma. Tambià ©n deben llevarse al dà ­a la documentacià ³n sobre pago de impuestos, ingresos, etc. Asimismo, llevar fotocopias en color de las fotografà ­as de la pareja colocadas en grupos de dos o tres en una misma hoja, seà ±alando los nombres de los que aparecen en las mismas, fecha en la que fueron tomadas y lugar. Es muy recomendable que alguna de ellas tenga como objeto reuniones familiares. Se puede llevar el lbum de bodas, pero no hay que fotocopiarlo.  ¿Quà © puede suceder tras la entrevista? Es posible que se notifique justo despuà ©s de la entrevista que ha tenido lugar la remocià ³n de ls condiciones, pero es ms comà ºn es que el oficial de inmigracià ³n decida notificar por correo. Tambià ©n puede ocurrir que se solicite ms documentacià ³n. En este caso entregar a la pareja una hoja con el listado de documentos que faltan y el plazo mximo para enviarlos. Para evitar problemas es recomendable enviarlos por correo certificado en la que quede constancia de la fecha. Y por supuesto que el oficial de inmigracià ³n puede negar la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia porque cree que puede tratarse de un fraude, en otras palabras, un matrimonio falso para conseguir los papeles. En este caso, puede haber consecuencias legales, adems de no obtener la green card.  ¿Quà © sucede cuando la pareja se separa antes de la entrevista? Por razones varias, el matrimonio puede separarse o divorciarse antes de que la tarjeta de residencia se convierta en definitiva. En la mayorà ­a de los casos eso significar que el migrante se quedar sin la tarjeta de residencia y deber abandonar Estados Unidos a menos que cuenta con otra cobertura legal que le permita mantener un estatus migratorio legal en el paà ­s. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que en determinadas ocasiones hay opciones para el cà ³nyuge extranjero para que pueda obtener una tarjeta de residencia definitiva. a pesar del divorcio, si se cumplen una serie de requisitos. A tener en cuenta: ventajas e inconvenientes de matrimonio con ciudadano Los cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos americanos pueden solicitar la ciudadanà ­a por naturalizacià ³n a los tres aà ±os de convertirse en residentes permanentes. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con el resto de los inmigrantes, que deben esperar cinco aà ±os. Por otro lado, casarse con un estadounidense no garantiza ni parar un procedimiento de deportacià ³n ni que se pueda sacar  la green card. La situacià ³n es complicada en los casos en los que el cà ³nyuge extranjero ingresà ³ a EE.UU. cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Tambià ©n tienen un problema serio los migrantes que han sido condenados por alguna felonà ­a. En estos casos, lo recomendable es asesorarse con un buen abogado migratorio y ver si se podrà ­a calificar para un perdà ³n provisional o, si no es posible, cules son las posibles opciones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.